Capstone Housing Glossary
Housing and Residence Life (HRL)
The Department of Housing & Residence Life manages 18 co-ed residence halls on campus. These buildings range from modern high-rise towers to traditional-styled buildings and apartment complexes. Residence hall staff live in each building and work with students to create a community atmosphere.
Capstone On-Campus Management (COCM)
Capstone/COCM is the university-affiliated housing partner company responsible for campus operations management. Operations management includes facilities, maintenance, work orders, and assignments. COCM works in partnership with TU to provide residential students with services. To receive assistance from Capstone On-Campus Management (COCM), please contact us at (410) 704-7484 or via email at
Residence Life Coordinator (RLC)
The Residence Life Coordinator (RLC) is a live-in staff member primarily responsible for fostering a residential environment where students succeed academically, develop their sense of self, and learn the value of community engagement. The RLC leads the community of student learners, advises student leaders, and supervises student staff (Resident Assistants, Community Center Assistants, Community Center Managers). The RLC also serves as a member of the area staff, responsible for developing a comprehensive living and learning environment for a residence hall/apartment community area. RLCs serve as emergency response personnel in an on-call capacity and when other crises or emergency incidents occur.
Resident Assistant (RA)
Resident Assistants are para-professional student staff who serve as the first point of contact for residents in managing issues within the residence halls, providing programs for residents to attend, and conducting periodic health and safety inspections. RAs strive to help students discover themselves, others, and the collegiate experience and encourage them to engage and connect within their community.
Desk Assistant (DA)
Desk Assistants are para-professional student staff who manage the front desks of Traditional Halls throughout the day. DAs ensure persons entering are assigned residents, approved vendors, contractors, maintenance staff, and public safety and emergency personnel.
Community Center Assistant (CCA)
Community Desk Assistants are para-professional staff who manage and work at the front desks of university-affiliated housing properties. CCAs ensure persons entering are assigned residents, approved vendors, contractors, maintenance staff, and public safety and emergency personnel. To receive assistance from a Resident Assistant or the CCA desk, please get in touch with them at:
Harris Hall – (410) 704-5737
Tubman House – (410) 704-5703